International Women's Day: Historic hires, huge contracts and broken records
International Women's Day: Historic hires, huge contracts and broken records
Historic hires, huge contracts and broken records. Wherever these female coaches lead, we’ll gladly follow.
March 08, 2022
NCAA: (Some) closing of the gender gap
NCAA: (Some) closing of the gender gap
The GIST: On Friday, in an effort to clean up its act balance the scales, the NCAA publicly outlined its updates to the women’s basketball tournament. The changes are in light of last year’s showcase of sexism which prompted the organization to undergo a gender equity review.
March 07, 2022
Global sport: Are sport sanctions enough?
Global sport: Are sport sanctions enough?
The GIST: Sports organizations continue to sanction Russia following the country’s invasion of Ukraine, but is it enough? The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the latest (and largest), urging sporting bodies to move events out of Russia and Belarus and to stop using the countries’ flags and national anthems.
February 28, 2022